Thank you for visiting the Wedding Planner Network's FEATURED WEDDING PAGE.
We are currently gathering information, pictures and submission for this page.
If you would like to see your wedding featured here, please submit the following for review...
• Bride & Groom's Full Name.
• A short bio of how you met and planned your wedding.(List any interesting stories of unusual happenings)
• City & State where wedding took place.
• Pictures with description (approx. 10 - 15 pictures).
Picture Descriptions may include some or all of the following....
• Ceremony & Reception Location information
• Photographer & Company name
• Wedding Dress salon where purchased
• Dress Style, Name, Maufacturer, etc.
• Same for the Men's Formals
• Hair Salon used and name of hair dresser
• Any information about jewelery bought or rented
• And anything else you can think of.
Please Note: The more information you give us, the more likely your submission will be concidered.
Submit information to:
The Wedding Planner Network
Attn: Daniel Carignan
4245 Nancy Street
Hastings, Fl 32145
OR E-Mail